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Import your bibs! Reference management tools now linked to Overleaf #BackToSchool

Tim · September 1, 2014

Please note that this blog post refers to Overleaf v1. We are currently working to add the Zotero integration to the new Overleaf, and for now we recommend exporting a .bib file from Zotero or Citeulike for use in Overleaf.

It's that time of year again - a new academic year is kicking off and we're excited to be releasing new tools to help students and researchers manage their projects more easily with Overleaf (formerly writeLaTeX).

Here's the first #BackToSchool release: integrated reference management tools which allow you to link your bibliography databases to Overleaf.

Writelatex add zotero citeulike bibliography to project screenshot

Import your bibliography from Zotero and CiteULike

Tools such as Zotero and CiteULike have made bibliography management easy; one place to store all the references you collect during your research.

If you're using one of these services for managing your references, you can now import your bibliographic database straight into Overleaf to use with your projects.

Simply open up your document, and in the Project menu, click on "Add files". You'll see an option to add your CiteULike or Zotero bibliographies.

Writelatex add bibliography screenshot

Simply use your CiteULike username to import your public bibliography database from CiteULike...

Writelatex add citeulike bibliography screenshot

...or connect your Zotero account to import your database from their service

Writelatex add zotero bibliography screenshot

That's all there is to it! If you're using another reference management service that you'd like us to add please let us know, and you can find more details on the link to Mendeley in this blog post.


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